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MTSC Courses

Welcome to the Medical Training and Simulation Centre (MTSC) of the University of Ghana Medical Centre. It is a nationally recognized multi-disciplinary academic Centre committed to achieving excellence in medical education through the use of high-quality computer-based simulations.

Course Category Course Code Course Title
Obstetrics OBN001 Caring for the Pregnant Woman
Obstetrics OBN002 Managing Pregnancy Complications
Obstetrics OBN003 Essential Skills in Parturition
Obstetrics OBN004 Caring for the Newborn Baby
Gynecology GYN001 Obstetric Fistulae and Menopause
Gynecology GYN002 Contraception and Infertility
Gynecology GYN003 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Gynecology GYN007 Breast Cancer